How to Add Connections to a Storii Profile


As a Connection on someone’s Storii profile, you have the ability to:

  • Receive text or email updates anytime a life story question is answered

  • View and listen to question responses

  • Add custom questions for your loved one to answer

  • Edit questions and responses

  • Add questions to the Upcoming Questions list (call queue)

  • Change the days and times of Life Story calls

How to Add a Connection over the Phone

Currently, this needs to be done by the storyteller. We are looking to update this soon to allow the initial purchaser to also add new relatives on behalf of a loved one. At the moment, only the storyteller can decide who is added as a Connection in order to protect their stories.

  • Call the number you receive Storii calls from (you must be using the phone we call in order for this to work)

  • Press 3 to add Connections

  • Follow the automated instructions over the phone

How to Add a Connection Online

  • To log in, enter your phone number as your username

  • You can then send your phone a login code for the password (or initiate a phone call if it is a landline number or phone number that cannot receive SMS messages)

  • Once logged in, click the "Add+" button next to 'Connections'

  • You will be presented with two options. 'Create a paid account' or 'Add a Connection'.

  • If you would like to create an account for a loved one that will receive life story calls, choose 'Create a paid account'.

    If you would simply like to invite someone to receive a record of your answered calls, choose 'Add a Connection'.

  • Answer the corresponding questions and complete payment / enter an activation code to complete the creation of your loved one's account.